Featured Image: The official Roots club logo. (Courtesy of Nosakhere Williams, Roots president)

Alicia Taylor |

ST. CROIX – This year, UVI students sought to enhance student creativity in a way that would allow students to exhort their feelings in a positive manner.  Thus is how UVI’s new poetry club, Roots, was formed.

Roots, originally named University Poetry, is aimed to allow students to root themselves into multiple attributes that characterize poetry such as strength, tranquility, compassion and freedom.

“We want to give college students the chance to express themselves through lyrics and poetry,” said Nosakhere Williams, a sophomore Information Systems and Technology major and the founder of Roots. “We want students to engage and interact with our community while allowing students to gain knowledge over various types of poetry.”

Roots Poetry has been involved in a variety of events including UVI’s Day of Remembrance for Murdered Victims, International Day of Peace and Taboo.

Andre Joseph, a member of Roots, recently did an Outspoken poetry event in which he performed his poem, “Who am I.” His free-versed poem earned him a standing ovation from the crowd.

“We want to start an impact on the youth,” Williams said.

Roots is currently partnering with local elementary schools and organizations to bring awareness that writing is a passion with unlimited possibilities.

“Roots Poetry is not only for poets, but for anyone interested in any type of creative arts,” said Leanne Morancie, a junior Communication major and Roots Vice-President.

Not only that, but Roots would like to invite Alumni to participate.

“Getting the alumni involved would allow those who have more experience to share their wisdom with the community,” said Williams. “The primary purpose of Roots is to enhance our community while enlightening ourselves.”

Members of Roots have provided samples of their poetry to encourage other students to let their inner voice be heard. Their samples can be found in the Student Literature Tab.


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